3rd Maryland Infantry, US
Alternate Designations
The 3rd Md. Infantry was organized in Baltimore and Williamsport, from Jun 18, 1861 until February 17, 1862. On the expiration of it's three year term of service veterans and recruits were consolidated into a four company battalion, and remained in service until July 31, 1865.
Companies A, B, C, D, and an incomplete company were organized in Baltimore in August of 1861. On February 16, 1862, four companies that had been raised in the summer of 1861 at Williamsport in Washington County, were assigned to the 3rd Marylnad. Many of these men were refugees from Berkley and Jefferson County, Virginia . When the Washington County companies joined the Baltimore companies, the four Washington companies were designated A, B, C, & I; and the four Baltimore companies were redesignated as D, E, F & G, and the incomplete company was named H. To make matters even more confusing, in May Co's E, F, H and I were broken up and the men were distributed amongst A, B, C, D & G.
Companies E, F, H and I, were then replaced by four companies of the "German Rifles" or 4th Maryland Infantry (Co's E & H) and Dix's Light Infantry (Co's I & K), both of which failed to complete their recruitement of ten companies. Co. F. was completed by nine month draftees from Easton. This company did not muster in until September 2, 1863.
On May 24, 1862 the 3rd Md. marched to Harpers Ferry, joining there the command of General Nathaniel Banks, XII Corps. The 3rd Md. participated in the Battle of Cedar Mountain on August 9, 1862.
As a part of XII Corps the 3rd Md. participated in the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862, where the regiment suffered 33% casualties.
After the Battle of Antietam the 3rd remaIned in the Shenandoah Valley until May of 1863, when it marched across Virginia to join General Joseph Hooker's Army of the Potomac. From May 1 to 3, 1863, the 3rd participated in the Battle of Chancellorsville, then moved with General Meade to cut off Lee's invasion of the North, participating in the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1 to 3, 1863.
After Gettysburg the 3rd Md. was transferred with XII Corps to Tennesse, where it participated in the relief of Chattanooga during the winter of 63-64. In February 1864 the 3rd's two year term of service expired. Those men who re-enlisted received a 30 day furlough to Maryland, and were then transfered to the 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, IX Coprs, and continued with the IXth until the end of the war.
The 4rd Md. subsequently particiapted in the Battle of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Spotsylvania Court House, the Battle of the Crater and the capture of Petersburg.
During it's term of service the 3rd Md. suffered 8 officers killed, 83 enlisted men; and 4 officers died of disease, as well as 133 enlisted men.
Published Sources
See the General Sources page for items containing information on all Maryland Units.
Report of the Gettysburg Monument Commission, Baltimore: William K. Boyle, 1891. Information about Monument at Gettysburg.
William B. Matchett, Maryland and the Glorious Old Third in the War for the Union: Reminiscences in the Life of her "Militant" Chaplain and Major Samuel Kramer. Wash, DC: T.J. Brashears, 1882.
Archival Collections
Simon Otto Papers, Co. I, Pearce Civil War Collection, Navarro College, Corsicana, Texas
Wendell A. Anderson Papers, major collection of papers of surgeon of 3rd Maryland, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Archives, Division, Madison, Wis.
Photos of Unit members at USAMI, Carlisle, PA.
Letters of James Gillette, CWTIColl (MAJ's letters, Aug 4, 1862-Oct 22, 1863 & Jan 15, 1868; Papers, 1862-63) USAMHI
Something missing?
Suggestions of additional resources welcomed! Please send info to John Lamb .
Reenacting Links
3rdMaryland Infantry, Co. A, U.S.A. (Reenacting Unit)